Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010



1. General Manager Manufacturing (GMM)

2. Safety and Environmental Control

3. General Affair Departement

4. Personalia Departement

5. Departemen HRD & GA

6. Departemen Produksi

7. Departemen Finance & Accounting

8. Departemen Marketing

9. Polymer Tecnology Departement

10. Polymerrization Production Departement

11. Staple Fiber Production Departement

12. Staple fiber Tecnology Departement

13. FOY Production Departement

14. Quality Departement

15. Draw Texture yarn (DTY) Production Departement

16. Spinning Draw Yarn (SDY) Production Departement

17. Control Departement

18. Utility 1 & 2 Departement

19. Electricity & Maintenance Departement

20. Maintenance 1 & 2 Departement

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
























Office Equipment:

Office Equipment:

1. Table :Meja
2. Chair :Kursi
3. Air conditioning :Ac
4. Lamp :Lampu
5. Blackboard :Papan tulis
6. Printer ;Printer
7. Computer :komputer
8. Scener :Scener
9. Fax :Fax
10. Phone Number :Telphon
11. Television :TV
12. Paper :Kertas
13. Pen :Pulpen
14. Cupboard :Lemari
15. Photo copy machine :Mesin Photo copy
16. Trash :Tempat Samaph
17. Folder :Map
18. Calendar :Kalender

19. Hours ;Jam
20. Paper shredder :Mesin penghancur Kertas
21. Laptops :laptop
22. In focus :infocus
23. Markers ;Spidol
24. Dispenser :dispenser
25. Stamp :Stempel
26. Streples ;Streples
27. Paper clips ;penjepit Kertas
28. Cctv :Cctv
29. Ruler :Penggaris
30. Glue :Lem



Work as a manager is someone who works through others to coordinate their activities in order to achieve the goals of the organization that is strong enough where the activities of a manager is guided by the principles of management, such as planning, organizing, controlling, and control in performing its duties day to days

A manager must have an idea or thought about the patterns of corporate performance that will be done in the future and also seek the most efficient way to reach the ladder of success in building his company and also must know how where the guide below it correctly in order to work properly

A manager should also be working with his subordinates well and also should know that there is the drawback to his subordinates so that a good leader is able to fill the shortages that exist in their subordinates so that a system of work will be undertaken jointly to run well. The main thing to build a good cooperation is to instill a sense of mutual trust from both parties. Changing negative views toward subordinate leaders, as well as negative views of subordinates to the organization or its leaders

Decision making ability is the most important for a manager, First, a manager must define the problem and looking for alternatives, which can be taken to resolve it. Second, managers must evaluate any existing alternatives and choose an alternative that is considered the most good. And lastly, managers must implement an alternative that has been his choice as well as monitor and evaluate them to stay on the right track

Surely we as a manager to do much about motivating, and also can provide employees with clear performance standards and honest, and also can provide freedom on how to do their job well for not out of the existing rules in the workplace, so it is very motivating important, therefore we have to constantly motivate them so they feel that they too are part of company. we have to remember they also need some basic requirements for effective and delivers results. They needed supplies and equipment, and appropriate training and skills necessary to maximize their performance.

Although we are positioned as a manager still must Listening to the opinions of subordinates and discuss every target that has been made, which of course affects their position and in work.dan must provide all information to workers and not hide anything and task manager as a good leader is willing to take the idea to change the situation towards a better, communicating to the group, helped generate a maximum capacity of the group, and believe that they can become leaders in their respective fields.

Copyright 2009 Mahdy BloG...!!!!